Manifestation is not a magic wand, but a strategic process that requires clarity and purpose. If you're tired of random results and unfulfilled desires, learn how to avoid the 6 pitfalls that may be holding you back.
The Universal Laws & Manifestation

Manifestation: 6 Really Bad Things That Happen When You Don’t Get Clear About What You Want!

In the world of Manifestation, it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that merely desiring something will magically make it appear. But let me tell you, Manifestation is not a wand that grants wishes; it’s a precise science that demands clarity and specificity. If you’ve ever found yourself frustrated with the results of your Manifestation attempts, it’s time to understand the 6 pitfalls that may be holding you back from your dream life.

Misfortune #1 – Your Manifestations are All Over the Place!

Consider this: if you desire more money, what does that really mean to you? Is it finding 1 cent on the street or hitting the jackpot in the lottery? The ambiguity of Fluffy goals like “more money” can lead to scattered and unsatisfying outcomes. The power of precision in your Manifestations and set clear, measurable goals will align you with your true desires.

Misfortune #2 – You will Manifest a Lot of Random Stuff that You Don’t Really Want!

Are you aware that your life is a Manifestation of your dominant thoughts and emotions? Without clear goals, you may find yourself Manifesting things on autopilot that don’t truly align with your desires. You have to take control of your Manifestation process by narrowing down your objectives and avoiding the pitfalls of Manifesting random, unsatisfying outcomes.

Misfortune #3 – You will Get Frustrated with the Universe!

Frustration is a low-frequency Energy that can disrupt your Manifestation journey. Without clarity, you may struggle to see the satisfying results you desire, leading to unnecessary frustration with the Universe. Pinpointing your desires can strengthen your faith and eliminate unnecessary roadblocks on your path to Success.

Misfortune #4 – You will Blame the Wrong People for the Lack of Your Manifestation!

Taking responsibility is the cornerstone of Successful Manifestation. Without clear goals, you might find yourself blaming external factors for your lack of results. Understand the power of aligning your dominant thoughts and emotions with specific, achievable goals, and watch how your perception of the world shifts.

Misfortune #5 – You Can’t Bring Your Energy Frequency in Alignment with Your Dreams!

Your Energy frequency is a direct reflection of your Dominant Thoughts, Emotions, and Actions. Fluffy goals like ‘more money’ make it challenging to align your Energy frequency with your Dreams. It is important to set SMART goals:


to effortlessly bring your Energy frequency in alignment with your desires.

Misfortune #6 – It’s Impossible for You to Do What It Takes to Bring Your Dream into Your Life!

Manifestation is not a magic wand, but a strategic process that requires guided actions. Without clear goals, you might find yourself lost and unsure of the right actions to take. You need to understand the power of setting specific, actionable goals and creating a personalised action plan to bring your Dreams to fruition.

The key to Successful Manifestation lies in getting crystal clear about what you want. If you’re tired of random results and unfulfilled desires, it’s time to invest in the guide; 6 Really Bad Things That Happen When You Don’t Get Clear About What You Want! This 8-page guide, inspired by over a decade of expertise, will empower you to Manifest your dream life with precision and purpose.

Don’t let fluffy goals hinder your journey to Success. Take the first step towards a brighter future by unlocking the secrets to Manifestation Success. Purchase the guide now and embark on a journey of clarity, purpose, and fulfilment.


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NB: This guide will use Money as an example to make it easier to follow along in this Guide. I haven’t met a person who didn’t want more Money! 😉 But remember, Money is just an example. You can replace Money with whatever you want to Manifest.


Manifestation: 6 Really Bad Things That Happen When You Don't Get Clear About What You Want! Manifestation is not a magic wand, but a strategic process that requires clarity and purpose. If you're tired of random results and unfulfilled desires, learn how to avoid the 6 pitfalls that may be holding you back. actionable goals, blame, blocks, clarity, consequences, dream life, energy frequency, frustration, happiness, law of assumption, law of cause and effect, manifestation, money, money manifestation mistakes, purpose, responsibility, success, victim mentality

Sabrina Seraphiel Bøglund

Sabrina Seraphiel Bøglund is a Danish Mindset Life Coach, Spiritual Teacher, Manifestation Expert and Writer, who Specialises in the Universal Laws and Helping People who Wants Reclaim Their Life after Emotional and Narcissistic Abuse. With over 16 Certifications, over 1½ Decades of experience as a Professional Spiritual Teacher, author of 6 books, including "Manifestation 101" and "Åndelig Kommunikation" (Spiritual Communication), and Growing Up with an Abusive Narcissistic Mother with Psychopathic Traits, Sabrina Knows First-Hand the Power of Mindset and Manifestation. Join her Community Today at and Start Creating the Life You Deserve.

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