
Guide Update

🇬🇧 Just a Little Update Regarding the Guides.

Læs på Dansk

I took all the guides down in January 2023 to update/edit them and translate them into Danish. I thought I would be done around July, but I have to admit that it took way longer than I expected!

Since I’m now prioritising getting the A Voice for Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers – Project and the Phoenix Rising – Project ready to launch after the Summer Break, I no longer have time to edit 1-2 guides daily.

I have created a little publishing schedule.

The First Week of Every Month: Re-publish 1 Updated Guide.

The Second Week of Every Month: 1 Brand New Universal Law – Guide.

The Third Week of Every Month: Re-publish 1 Updated Guide.

The Fourth Week of Every Month: 1 Brand New Guide.

I will continue this schedule until all Guides are edited and re-published.

After the summer break, I will launch Phoenix Rising together with A Voice for Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers. 

Make sure to join my email list, to get first-row seats when we launch.

🇩🇰 En Lille Opdatering vedr. Guiderne.

Jeg tog alle guiderne ned i Januar 2023 for at opdater/redigere dem og oversætte dem til Dansk. Jeg troede jeg ville være færdig omkring Juli, men det har taget meget længere end forventet!

Eftersom jeg prioritere at få A Voice for Daughters of Narcissitic Mothers (red. En Stemme for Døtre af Narcissitiske Mødre) projektete og Phoenix Rising – Projektet færdig så vi kan gå i luften efter Sommerferien, så har jeg ikke længere tid til at redigere 1-2 guides om dagen.

Jeg har lavet en lille udgivelsesplan.

Den Første Uge i Hver Måned: Genudgivelse af 1 Redigeret Guide.

Den Anden Uge i Hver Måned: 1 Helt Ny Universel Lov – Guide.

Den Trejde Uge i Hver Måned: Genudgivelse af 1 Redigeret Guide.

Den Fjerde Uge i Hver Måned: 1 Helt Ny Guide.

Jeg vil fortsætte med denne plan indtil alle Guiderne er redigeret og genudgivet.

Efter sommerferien vil jeg lancere Phoenix Rising samt A Voice for Daughters of Narcissitic Mothers. Begge dele vil lavet på Dansk og Engelsk. 

Sørg for at tilmelde dig min email liste så du er på første parket når vi går i luften.

Sabrina Seraphiel Bøglund

Sabrina Seraphiel Bøglund is a Danish Mindset Life Coach, Spiritual Teacher, Manifestation Expert and Writer, who Specialises in the Universal Laws and Helping People who Wants Reclaim Their Life after Emotional and Narcissistic Abuse. With over 16 Certifications, over 1½ Decades of experience as a Professional Spiritual Teacher, author of 6 books, including "Manifestation 101" and "Åndelig Kommunikation" (Spiritual Communication), and Growing Up with an Abusive Narcissistic Mother with Psychopathic Traits, Sabrina Knows First-Hand the Power of Mindset and Manifestation. Join her Community Today at https://boglund.com and Start Creating the Life You Deserve.

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