Dive into the journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Uncover your unique life purposes, master forgiveness, and practice mental alchemy.
Life Purpose & Life Mission Self-Love, Mental Health & Well-Being

How to Fulfill Your Life Purpose (Even if You Don’t Know What Your Life Purpose Is)

The very short answer to this is; your Life Purpose is to be Light & Love in whatever form comes naturally for you.

In Bøglund Lightworkers, we’re working with 3 different types of Life Purposes:

  1. Your Personal Life Purposes
  2. Your Global Life Purposes
  3. Your Divine Life Purpose

Let’s Talk Personal Life Purposes.

Every single living being has multiple Personal Life Purposes! Personal Life Purposes are things like mastering forgiveness, overcoming jealousy, being better at taking care of your body and mind, overcoming procrastination, and so forth.

Go to the Self-Help section in any bookstore, and you will find books about pretty much anything related to Personal Life Purposes. It’s your growth and development as a human being.

If there weren’t any need for you to grow and develop, you wouldn’t have any reason to be born into this Earthly realm. So the very fact that you’re alive is evidence that you have Personal Life Purposes.

Like many things else in my industry, there is no quick fix-it solution, and there is no answer-fits-for-all!

Your Personal Life Purpose is well-suited to you as an individual.


Purchase the full guide to learn more about:

Global Life Purposes and the Divine Life Purpose.

How to Fulfil Your Life Purpose When You Don’t Know What it is.

Mental Alchemy.

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Dive into the journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Uncover your unique life purposes, master forgiveness, and practice mental alchemy.

Sabrina Seraphiel Bøglund

🇩🇰 Sabrina Seraphiel Bøglund er en passioneret Manifestation Life Coach og Spirituel Teacher med over 16 års erfaring i at guide mennesker til at skabe et liv fyldt med kærlighed, energi og empowerment. Med 16 uddannelser inden for personlig og spirituel udvikling og seks udgivne bøger om manifestation og mental sundhed, er Sabrina dedikeret til at hjælpe folk med at overvinde traumer, manifestere sunde relationer og mestre De Universelle Love. Hendes unikke tilgang kombinerer dyb indsigt i energifrekvenser og manifestation med en skarp forståelse af, hvordan man slipper af med toxic people og energivampyrere.


🇬🇧 Sabrina Seraphiel Bøglund is a Danish dedicated Manifestation Life Coach and Spiritual Teacher with over 16 years of experience guiding individuals towards a life filled with love, energy, and empowerment. With 16 personal and spiritual development qualifications and six published books on manifestation and mental health, Sabrina is committed to helping people overcome trauma, manifest healthy relationships, and master The Universal Laws. Her unique approach combines deep insights into energy frequencies and manifestation with a keen understanding of how to rid oneself of toxic people and energy vampires.

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