The Law of Courage helps you make those changes and take the actions that are intimidating, where you can come up with 117 reasons why you can’t do it.
The Universal Laws The Universal Laws & Manifestation

The Law of Courage – 5 Things You Should Know About the Universal Law of Courage.

Not all Universal Laws are about Manifesting the things we dream of – some Universal Laws help us in our daily well-being and support our growth and development as individuals.

The Law of Courage is one of the Universal Laws that aids in personal development. Because let’s be honest… we all experience moments in life when we need courage and bravery!

Of course, it’s easier to let others fight your battles, but you won’t grow from that! Nor will it give you the experience to manage the challenges and battles that will come later in life. However, if you practise using the Law of Courage in your everyday life, it will become easier to use it when it truly matters.

With over 600 Universal Laws in my private notes, here are the Laws that have been published on my website:

  1. The Universal Laws 101 
  2. The Law of Attraction
  3. The Law of Giving & Receiving
  4. The Law of Light 
  5. The Law of Free Will 
  6. The Law of Liberty
  7. The Law of Repulsion 
  8. The Law of Divine Love
  9. The Law of Prayer 
  10. The Law of Compensation 
  11. The Law of Magnetism
  12. The Law of Cause and Effect
  13. The Law of the Universe
  14. The Law of Non-Attachment
  15. The Law of Love
  16. The Law of Value
  17. The Law of Balance
  18. The Law of Harmony and Agreement
  19. The Law of Assumption
  20. The Law of Intention and Desire
  21. The Law of Responsibility
  22. The Law of Reversed Effort
  23. The Law of Karma
  24. The Law of Paradoxical Intention
  25. The Law of Detachment
  26. The Law of Pure Desire
  27. The Law of Threefold Return
  28. The Law of Money
  29. The Law of Purpose

#1 – The Law of Courage 101.

The Universal Law of Courage can come into play in many areas of your life – even in your Manifestations, although the Law of Courage is not directly a Manifestation Law. Many Manifestations require you to step out of your Comfort-Zone, which often demands courage. This is where the Law of Courage helps you Manifest. We will look more closely at the Law of Courage’s influence on your Manifestations later in this Guide.

But first, let’s explore what the Law of Courage is;

The Law of Courage states: “Courage is the ability to not only face a danger but to risk an action to defuse that danger. Fear departs when action enters. The degree of courage is proportional to the degree of danger, risk and fear a courageous action must defuse.”

The Law of Courage states: Courage is the ability to not only face a danger but to risk an action to defuse that danger. Fear departs when action enters. The degree of courage is proportional to the degree of danger, risk and fear a courageous action must defuse.

Just like all other Universal Laws, it applies to everyone; no one is above it. It’s fair for all! However, how the Laws operate in our individual lives can differ. But that’s not the fault of the Universe or the Laws! – It’s simply the outcome of your Energy Frequency, which, as you know if you follow my work, is the sum of Your Most Dominant Thoughts and Feelings.

The Law of Courage tells us that Courage exists within all of us, but to be Courageous, we need to tap into our inner strength and dare to do what it takes to feel safe again.

A part of being alive is the constant changes and challenges that pop up unexpectedly. Changes and challenges are necessary for us to grow and develop personally, spiritually, and in our healing process. If we are not willing to grow and evolve, we will never move on from the emotional, psychological, mental, and physical pain we experience throughout life. It is when the pain is at its greatest that we need to be the most Courageous to move forward.

The Law of Courage is precisely designed for this purpose; to help you through times when Courage is needed to advance!

Our Ego’s primary purpose is to keep us safe and secure – but if you live in your Ego, you tend to have a Victim Mentality, Blame Everything and Everyone, and Numb your Inner Pain with Food, Alcohol, Drugs, Shopping, Sex, and/or Status Symbols. You escape into overconsumption and potential addiction, instead of finding the Courage to confront the pain and do what’s necessary to safely emerge on the other side.

Instead of letting the Ego take control of your life, the Law of Courage asks you to use the Fear, Anxiety, and Potential Danger that the Ego is tapped into, as a starting point for something you need to work on. Since your Ego has already categorised it as fear-based, you know that the Law of Courage can guide you through the process!

It’s natural for us to seek safety and peace when life isn’t a cup full of unicorns. We are incarnated into the life we have because it offers us the challenges and opportunities that our soul needs to gain the wisdom and experience required to ascend. We will continue to reincarnate into different types of lives until our soul has “graduated.” You could say that the Law of Courage is here to help you realise your Life’s Purpose.

Purchase the Premium Guide to Learn about:

#2 – How the Law of Courage Helps You to Move on from Narcissistic Abuse and Toxic People.

#3 – The Law of Courage & Manifestation.

#4 – How the Law of Courage Helps You Manifest Money.

#5 – How the Law of Courage Helps You Manifest a Specific Person.

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Discover the Law of Courage - not just for Manifestation but for Personal Growth, Healing, and Facing Life's Biggest Challenges Head-On!
Learn to harness the Universal Law of Courage to Overcome Fear, Handle Adversity, and Transform your life into one of Bravery and Empowerment.
What to Expect: 
Master Courage for Personal Growth 
Break Free from Toxic Relationships 
Overcome Fear and Manifest Your Desires
Attract Abundance and Financial Success 
Manifest a Specific Person with Confidence

Sabrina Seraphiel Bøglund

🇩🇰 Sabrina Seraphiel Bøglund er en passioneret Manifestation Life Coach og Spirituel Teacher med over 16 års erfaring i at guide mennesker til at skabe et liv fyldt med kærlighed, energi og empowerment. Med 16 uddannelser inden for personlig og spirituel udvikling og seks udgivne bøger om manifestation og mental sundhed, er Sabrina dedikeret til at hjælpe folk med at overvinde traumer, manifestere sunde relationer og mestre De Universelle Love. Hendes unikke tilgang kombinerer dyb indsigt i energifrekvenser og manifestation med en skarp forståelse af, hvordan man slipper af med toxic people og energivampyrere.


🇬🇧 Sabrina Seraphiel Bøglund is a Danish dedicated Manifestation Life Coach and Spiritual Teacher with over 16 years of experience guiding individuals towards a life filled with love, energy, and empowerment. With 16 personal and spiritual development qualifications and six published books on manifestation and mental health, Sabrina is committed to helping people overcome trauma, manifest healthy relationships, and master The Universal Laws. Her unique approach combines deep insights into energy frequencies and manifestation with a keen understanding of how to rid oneself of toxic people and energy vampires.

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