Manifestation has always been a topic very close to my heart! It’s real life’s magic – and we all need some magic in our lives.
However, manifestation is not some woo-woo mumbo-jumbo.
Manifestation is very real – so real that you’ve been manifesting your entire life.
You just haven’t been aware of it!
In this article, I will share 7 things I think you should know about the Law of Attraction & Manifestation.
#1 – The Law of Attraction is NOT the Same as Manifestation.
The Law of Attraction became super popular when Rhonda Byrne published a book and DVD called The Secret in 2006. Over the last 1½ decade, The Secret has turned into a franchise that I’m grateful for being a tiny-tiny part of through my contribution to Rhonda’s book How The Secret Changed My Life in 2016.
Through The Secret, the Law of Attraction was introduced to the masses, opening their eyes to a whole new world. You can get what you want if you:
- ASK for what you want.
- BELIEVE you can have it.
- RECEIVE it when it comes into your life.
The only problem is that the Law of Attraction is not the same as manifestation.
The Law of Attraction doesn’t give you what you want – it gives you more of what you already are. You’re attracting more into your life which is on the same Energy Frequency as yourself.
Let’s take an everyday situation everyone can relate to:
You wake up in the morning feeling a bit off.
You get out of bed, bang your toe into a chair leg, for then walk straight into a wall.
While you’re getting dressed, you rip a hole in your pants.
You’re brushing your teeth and then spill toothpaste on your shirt.
You’re changing your shirt.
You’re getting down to get your morning coffee or tea, and before you know it, you have spilt coffee or tea on your shirt.
You’re changing the shirt again.
You’re leaving your house, but forgot your keys, phone and wallet.
Back in to get them.
Now you’re late for work.
The morning traffic is awful, and you’re stuck in a tailback because of an accident that happened further up the road, which you would have avoided if you had left home 5 minutes earlier.
We all have shitty days like this that just continue getting worse and worse. This little scenario is an example of the Law of Attraction in action when we aren’t aware of our consciousness. Could this hell of morning be changed by being aware of your consciousness?
Yes, it could!
By taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly.
Centring yourself.
And shift your Energy Frequency (EF) by focusing on the good things you’re looking forward to today.
Also, hurting the toe, ripping your clothes, and spilling toothpaste and coffee on yourself is most likely because you’re in a hurry – so slow down!
Take a deep breath and exhale slowly!
I get up between 4:00-5:30 every morning, even though I’m working from home most of the time. I’m not working at home because of the lockdown or COVID-19. It’s because I have designed my job and career in such a way that I can work from wherever I am in the world as long I have my computer and laptop. To me, that is freedom!
I’m not a morning person at all! Not even close! But I love peace and easy flow around me. Getting up super early provides me with enough time to be morning lazy, wake up slowly and still be on time with my appointments, meetings and deadlines.
Because I start my mornings in peace and with enough time to take things slowly, the Law of Attraction responds by attracting other peaceful things into my day and letting things run smoothly. The entire day has an easy flow. My day can be totally packed, and my calendar be booked out, and yet, everything is peaceful and easily flowing. That’s also the Law of Attraction in action.
The Law of Attraction simply responds to the energy you’re sending out in the Universe and reflects it back to you.
The remaining things you should know about the Law of Attraction and Manifestation are:
#2 – Manifestation is a Part of Quantum Physics.
#3 – There is No Fairy Godmother and Bibbidibabbidiboo!
#4 – The Law of Giving and Receiving.
#5 – Your Self-Esteem Influences Your Manifestations.
#6 – There is No Such a Thing as Fate.
#7 – You Must Take 100% Responsibility.
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