The Law of Giving & Receiving could maybe be the reason why you can’t get the Law of Attraction to work!
The Universal Laws The Universal Laws & Manifestation

Why the Universal Law of Giving & Receiving is WAY More Important than the Law of Attraction!

The Law of Attraction is one of the most famous Universal Laws along with the Law of Karma, the Law of Free Will, and the Law of Seasons.

The Law of Attraction is more than manifestation. 

The Law of Attraction doesn’t manifest anything on its own. Its function is to attract whatever into your life that is on the same energy frequency as you are. 

In other words, the Law of Attraction doesn’t give you what you wantit gives you more of what you already are. If you want to manifest anything, you need to bring your energy frequency in alignment with what you want to manifest.

The Importance of the Law of Giving & Receiving.

Law of Giving & Receiving states: If you wish to receive anything in your life, you first need to give it. Giving is the other side of receiving.

The Law of Attraction is attractive because it easily connects you with manifesting your dreams, goals and desires.


The Law of Attraction vs The Law of Giving & Receiving.

The Law of Attraction attracts more into your life that is on the same Energy Frequency as yourself.

The Law of Giving & Receiving asks you to give as much as you receive and receive as much as you give.

So why is the Law of Giving & Receiving more important than the Law of Attraction?

The easiest way to avoid Karmic debts is by ensuring that your giving and receiving are always in balance.





This is the second article of 4 in a mini-series about the Law of Giving and Receiving.

Last week I released an article called What You Should Know About The Law of Giving & Receiving – aka the Law of Balancing Energies. 

And next week, I will release an article called 5 Easy Ways to Implement the Law of Giving & Receiving in Your life This Weekend.

And for the last week, Winning Tactics For the Universal Law of Giving & Receiving.


If you want all 4 guides as PDFs, I have created a bundle for you. 

You can download it HERE


The Law of Giving & Receiving could maybe be the reason why you can’t get the Law of Attraction to work!

Sabrina Seraphiel Bøglund

Sabrina Seraphiel Bøglund is a Danish Mindset Life Coach, Spiritual Teacher, Manifestation Expert and Writer, who Specialises in Helping Independent People to Break Free from the Cycle of Narcissistic Abuse and Toxic Relationships so that They can Manifest Their Dream Life. With over 16 Certifications, over 1½ Decades of experience as a Professional Spiritual Teacher, author of 6 books, including "Manifestation 101" and "Åndelig Kommunikation" (Spiritual Communication), and Growing Up with an Abusive Narcissistic Mother with Psychopathic Traits, Sabrina Knows First-Hand the Power of Mindset and Manifestation. Join her Community Today at and Start Creating the Life You Deserve.

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