After last month’s in-depth Guide to the infamous Law of Attraction, we are shifting course slightly and diving into a Universal Law that you may have heard the concept of but perhaps did not realise is an actual Universal Law – the Law of Projection.
The Universal Law of Projection is relatively simple and generally easy to use. It can reveal where some of your Blockages lie, but also where your Strengths are. The Law of Projection also explains why some people seem incredibly lucky, while others almost appear to be cursed. Although the Law of Projection is not strictly a Manifestation Law, it is still a crucial player in the Outcome of your Manifestations.
With over 600 Universal Laws in my private archives, here are the Laws that have been published on my website:
- The Universal Laws 101
- The Law of Attraction
- The Law of Giving & Receiving
- The Law of Light
- The Law of Free Will
- The Law of Liberty
- The Law of Repulsion
- The Law of Divine Love
- The Law of Prayer
- The Law of Compensation
- The Law of Magnetism
- The Law of Cause and Effect
- The Law of the Universe
- The Law of Non-Attachment
- The Law of Love
- The Law of Value
- The Law of Balance
- The Law of Harmony and Agreement
- The Law of Assumption
- The Law of Intention and Desire
- The Law of Responsibility
- The Law of Reversed Effort
- The Law of Karma
- The Law of Paradoxical Intention
- The Law of Detachment
- The Law of Pure Desire
- The Law of Threefold Return
- The Law of Money
- The Law of Purpose
- The Law of Courage
- The Law of Non-Judgments
- The Law of Magic
- The Law of Attention
- The Law of Attraction (The Improved Version)
#1 – The Law of Projection 101.
The Law of Projection encourages you to look within – quite literally! The Law of Projection states that everything you experience in life reflects the reality you tell yourself. Your Most Dominant Thoughts and Emotions create a perception of reality, which is then Projected onto how you see and experience the world.
The Law of Projection states:
The film that Projects, Depicts and Creates the Events of One’s Life Story is Stored within One’s Consciousness and can Only be Changed from Within.
We all have an inner film running in our minds, forming the foundation of how we perceive and experience life, other people, and situations. This inner film dictates why we like certain people or things and why we strongly dislike others.
Projection is often a defence mechanism, where one unconsciously attributes their own feelings and motives to others – aspects they refuse to acknowledge within themselves. However, when we talk about Projection as a Universal Law, it doesn’t only apply to the traits one rejects in oneself but also to those one embraces – yet it still happens unconsciously.
The Law of Projection is closely related to several other Universal Laws:
- The Law of Perception
- The Law of Reflection
- The Law of Bivalence
- The Law of Alchemy
- The Law of Belief
- The Law of Mind
- The Law of Conscious Thought
- The Law of Expectation
- The Law of Mental Equivalency
- The Law of One’s own Consciousness
NB: These Universal Laws have not yet been published on my Website and are not included in my Content Schedule yet.
The Law of Projection is an incredibly beneficial Universal Law to consciously use in these unstable and chaotic times we live in. A week ago, I left a comment under an Instagram Post from a Danish news media outlet about some bullshit Trump had said… There’s so much now that it’s hard to keep track of it all. 😵💫 Normally, I ignore negative comments on social media, whether they are directed at something I have commented on or at my own posts. By ignoring, I mean that I block the person/user and move on without thinking about it again. But this particular comment made me reflect on the Law of Projection, even though I had completely forgotten that it was the next Universal Law scheduled for publication. Aside from the comment being disgustingly crude and awfully worded (and it didn’t help that the user’s name contained something with Voodoo), it was also a personal attack on me and my Spirituality. The essence of the comment was that I shouldn’t speak negatively about Trump if I were truly as Spiritual as I claim… or something along those lines. It honestly gave me flashbacks to when I was 18 and had just started working as a Spiritual Teacher.
It is fascinating how some people believe they have the right to decide what one is and isn’t allowed to say when living a Spiritual Life. 🤔
There’s also a misconception that Spiritual People should only see the world through rose-coloured glasses and only focus on the positives in others.
That nasty comment made me reflect because the way one reacts to such things is a reflection of how one feels about oneself. The reason this Voodoo user felt the need to write such an unpleasant comment on my post about Trump actually had nothing to do with me or my opinion of Trump. Instead, it had everything to do with them projecting their own lack of self-confidence onto me and my comment.
At the same time, I am fully aware that I also Project onto Trump – because I see him as a grandiose, narcissistic, delusional, dangerous, whiny bully who is actively destroying the Western world for his own gain. And anyone who knows me knows exactly how I feel about those kinds of people. So, of course, I Project my contempt for narcissists and psychopaths onto Trump – and I’m perfectly fine with that.
It is the Law of Projection that makes me perceive Trump the way I do, just as it is the Law of Projection that made the Voodoo user attempt to attack me through my Spirituality. That being said, the second I read that comment, I put up a protective shield around myself to ensure that no voodoo nonsense could affect me.
This was a 2-in-1 example of how the Law of Projection operates in our daily lives and how it manifests differently from person to person and from situation to situation.
Fundamentally, the Law of Projection ensures that whatever is reflected back to you is a Projection of something within you. Sometimes, it highlights a shadow side you need to address, something you need to learn, or even something you should be more grateful for… It could be many things.
Let’s do an exercise right now:
By reading my blog and this Guide, you have already started forming an opinion about me. No matter what you think or feel about me, my blog, or this Guide, it is the Law of Projection that is showing you what you are Projecting onto me.
It’s an intriguing way to view everyday life – if you start seeing everything you react to or engage with as nothing more than a Projection of something within yourself. It’s a little game you can play from time to time…
Purchase the Law of Projection Premium Guide below to learn more about:
#2 – How the Law of Projection Helps You to Move on from Narcissistic Abuse and Toxic People.
#3 – How the Law of Projection Affects Your Mental Health
#4 – How the Law of Projection Helps You in Your Spiritual Journey
#5 – The Law of Projection & Manifestation
#6 – How the Law of Projection Helps You Manifest Money.
#7 – How the Law of Projection Helps You Manifest Love.
#8 – How the Law of Projection Helps You Manifest a Specific Person.
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