Loven om Paradoksal Intention opfordrer dig til at forholde dig i ro når du Manifestere og have tillid til at alting nok skal ordne sig for det højeste gode.

Bøglund – Manifestation – Sabrina Seraphiel Bøglund
Manifestation Expert, Spiritual Teacher & Writer
Loven om Paradoksal Intention opfordrer dig til at forholde dig i ro når du Manifestere og have tillid til at alting nok skal ordne sig for det højeste gode.
The Law of Paradoxical Intention encourages you to be calm when Manifesting and to trust that everything will work out for the highest good.
Optimerer din manifestation med Loven om Modsat Virkning. Lær at håndtere dine ønsker effektivt og undgå blokeringer.
Optimise your manifestation with the Law of Reversed Effort. Learn how to deal with your desired outcomes more efficiently and avoid blocks.
Har du svært ved at manifestere dine drømme? Oplev de 3 mest almindelige manifestations fejl, der kan sabotere din rejse, og lær, hvordan du frigøre dit sande manifestations potentiale.
Are you struggling to manifest your dreams? Discover the 3 most common manifestation mistakes that could be sabotaging your journey and learn how to unlock your true manifestation potential.