In order to Attract Money into your life, your MINDSET has to be in alignment with the amount of Money you need.
Money Manifestation The Universal Laws & Manifestation

7 Money Manifestation Tips For Lightworkers.

It had been years since I last wrote anything about Money Manifestation. Not because I didn’t want to but because it didn’t really fit into my content calendar and the projects I am working on. Nothing had really changed in that matter! But we are right now standing in an extraordinary situation that very easily could be another financial crisis because the prices of electricity, heat, gas, and petrol have sky-rocket over the last 12 months.

This winter has been very cold because it cost a fortune to turn on the heater.

So while Money Manifestation usually is about Manifesting a Million bucks or becoming a Millionaire – it is actually two different types of Manifestations, this time, I’m going to target the article toward Manifesting Money to pay your bills and get finances back on track.

Money Manifestation Hack #1: Know How Basic Manifestation Works.

Manifestation goes way beyond the Law of Attraction!

Manifestation is the OUTCOME of your Most Dominating Thoughts, Emotions and Actions. It’s not a wish come true.

It’s that simple! 

Suppose you need help to bring your Most Dominant Thoughts, Emotions and Actions in alignment with your Desired Outcome. In that case, I’m giving you a bullet-proof blueprint in Divine Secrets to Successful Manifestations. 

Let’s break down the Bøglund Manifestation Equation.

M = DAS + EF = DE + DT.

DT: Most Dominant Thoughts


DE: Most Dominant Emotions


Your Most Dominant Thoughts and Emotions create your Energy Frequency. Your Energy Frequency is what you broadcast out to the Universe, which the Universe answers by giving you more that’s on the same Energy Frequency as you.

EF: Energy Frequency


DAS: Most Dominant Action Steps


M: Manifestation

Piiiist…. This exercise is a part of the Content Upgrade that came with the purchase of this Guide – ready for you to fill out!

The remaining tips are:

Money Manifestation Hack #2: Work on Your Money Mindset.

Money Manifestation Hack #3: Get Rid of Poverty-Thoughts.

Money Manifestation Hack #4: Take Responsibility for Your Own Finances.

Money Manifestation Hack #5: Focus on Becoming Financial Independent.

Money Manifestation Hack #6: Have Fun Making Money.

Money Manifestation Hack #7: Never Put All Your Eggs in One Basket.

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Unlock the Secrets to Effortless Money Manifestation! Discover how to align your Thoughts, Emotions, and Actions with your Financial Desires. With these 7 Money Manifestation Tips for Lightworkers, you’ll learn to Overcome Financial Stress, Build Multiple Income Streams, and Cultivate a Money Mindset that Attracts Abundance. This Guide, complete with a Practical Worksheet, will transform your Financial life and Empower you to Thrive, regardless of Financial Challenges.

Sabrina Seraphiel Bøglund

Sabrina Seraphiel Bøglund is a Danish Mindset Life Coach, Spiritual Teacher, Manifestation Expert and Writer, who Specialises in the Universal Laws and Helping People who Wants Reclaim Their Life after Emotional and Narcissistic Abuse. With over 16 Certifications, over 1½ Decades of experience as a Professional Spiritual Teacher, author of 6 books, including "Manifestation 101" and "Åndelig Kommunikation" (Spiritual Communication), and Growing Up with an Abusive Narcissistic Mother with Psychopathic Traits, Sabrina Knows First-Hand the Power of Mindset and Manifestation. Join her Community Today at and Start Creating the Life You Deserve.

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