Somehow the Law of Attraction has got some sort of fairy tale rep. That if you just wish hard enough for something, then it would magically appear in front of you.
The Universal Laws The Universal Laws & Manifestation

The Law of Attraction: 4 the Law of Attraction Mistakes Most People Make.

The Law of Attraction is still, without doubt, one of the most famous Universal Laws… and yet, people make soooooo many mistakes.

The Law of Attraction states, LIKE ATTRACT LIKE! 

In other words, the Law of Attraction DOES NOT give you what you want – It simply Attracts more into your life of what you already are! 

You are your Energy Frequency!

The Universe doesn’t care about anything else other than your Energy Frequency. 

Mistake #1 – They Confuse the Law of Attraction with Manifestation.

I have said it before, and you will hear me say it again:

The Law of Attraction and Manifestation are NOT the same thing.

Manifestation is the outcome of several components, and the Law of Attraction is one of them.

I have created the Bøglund Manifestation Equation, which I’m teaching step by step in Divine Secrets to Successful Manifestations.


Very simply, it says that Your Most Dominant Thoughts and Most Dominant Emotion create your Energy Frequency!

Your Energy Frequency is what you communicate out to the Universe. The Law of Attraction responds to your Energy Frequency by Attracting more into your life that matches your Energy Frequency.

In order for it to Manifest, Your Most Dominant Actions must support your Manifestation.


The other Mistakes are:

Mistake #2 – They Believe that the Law of Attraction is a Magic Wand.

Mistake #3 – They Never Take Action.

Mistake #4 – They Don’t Match their Energy Frequency with their Desired Outcome.

If you want to learn more about these Mistakes, and how to fix them, then Purchase the Premium Guide Below:

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Stop Making These 4 Law of Attraction Mistakes & FINALLY Manifest Your Dreams! Are you tired of seeing the Law of Attraction talked about but never quite achieving your Desired Outcome? You're not alone! Many people Misunderstand the Law of Attraction, leading to frustration and a feeling that it doesn't work. This Guide reveals the 4 Most Common Mistakes People Make and Guides you to bridge the gap between Desire and Reality. Discover: Why the Law of Attraction isn't a Magic Wand (and what it truly is) How to Stop Attracting What You Don't Want The Secret to Raising Your Vibration and Attracting Your Desires A Step-by-Step Process to Finally Manifest Your Dreams Download Your Copy Today and Stop Making these Annoying Mistakes!

Sabrina Seraphiel Bøglund

🇩🇰 Sabrina Seraphiel Bøglund er en passioneret Manifestation Life Coach og Spirituel Teacher med over 16 års erfaring i at guide mennesker til at skabe et liv fyldt med kærlighed, energi og empowerment. Med 16 uddannelser inden for personlig og spirituel udvikling og seks udgivne bøger om manifestation og mental sundhed, er Sabrina dedikeret til at hjælpe folk med at overvinde traumer, manifestere sunde relationer og mestre De Universelle Love. Hendes unikke tilgang kombinerer dyb indsigt i energifrekvenser og manifestation med en skarp forståelse af, hvordan man slipper af med toxic people og energivampyrere.


🇬🇧 Sabrina Seraphiel Bøglund is a Danish dedicated Manifestation Life Coach and Spiritual Teacher with over 16 years of experience guiding individuals towards a life filled with love, energy, and empowerment. With 16 personal and spiritual development qualifications and six published books on manifestation and mental health, Sabrina is committed to helping people overcome trauma, manifest healthy relationships, and master The Universal Laws. Her unique approach combines deep insights into energy frequencies and manifestation with a keen understanding of how to rid oneself of toxic people and energy vampires.

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