Note: Something weird happened last night. Right now, I’m in the process of creating content for Bøglund Lightworkers. Most of my time goes with working on a very special product, which I’m excited to share with you. However, neither the product nor Bøglund Lightworkers is ready to launch yet, so I was very confused when I was asked by the Divine to post a guide today.
I went into my Editorial Content Calendar to see which of my pre-written guide the Divine was speaking about. My eyes landed on this guide. I still don’t really know why the Divine wants me to post the guide now and why it couldn’t wait until we are ready to launch the Bøglund Lightworkers. I know one day, it will all make sense! So, for now, I will just trust my intuition and the Divine guidance, and post this guide.
Please let me know in the comment feed if you feel this guide is meant for you!
Angel Blessings,
Sabrina Bøglund, 10th of May 2021
Some of Lightworkers’ most common traits are our Sensitivity, Empathy, and sometimes being a bit intense, depending on who we are. The outer world does its very best to use our sensitivity and empathy against us by telling us that we are weak and sometimes calling us crybabies.
But that is not true!
Being Sensitive and Empathic is Your Strength!
It means that you’re tuned in on the universal flow of energies, and you can feel or sense the world around you. You’re picking up on other people’s energies and instantly have a very good sense of how this person feels, how the person is, and what the person is up to. You might even pick up on smells, lights, and sounds that all give you information about the situation, the place, or the people.
Purchase the Guide to learn more about:
Many Lightworkers have allergies to all sorts of things.
Crowded places are too noisy.
Your Sensitivity and Empathy are Your Superpowers!
Are you ready to embrace your superpowers and change the world? Let’s do this!
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