Valentine’s Day is coming up - but if you’re single it can be a sad reminder about the lack of romance in your life. But it doesn’t have to be like that. Try some of these things out…
English Relationships Self-Love, Mental Health & Well-Being

Valentine’s Special: Dates You Can Do Alone.

This week’s guide is a little different since Valentine’s Day is coming up.

In Denmark, Valentine’s Day is not really more than a commercial “holiday”. Valentine’s Day’s counterpart “Steak and Blowjob Day” is still something the male population tries to get implemented into the culture… without further success 🤣🤣 However, I will LOVE to see how the supermarkets and malls will try to make “Steak and Blowjob Day” a commercial “holiday” 🤣🤣

Valentine’s Special: Dates You Can Do Alone. Valentine’s Day is coming up - but if you’re single it can be a sad reminder about the lack of romance in your life. But it doesn’t have to be like that. Try some of these things out… dates, friends, guides, love, relationships, romantic, single, valentine, valentines day

Personally, I don’t get Valentine’s Day – I think it’s cheesy and corny, and most importantly, I believe every day should be a celebration of love – not just one day! It’s the same thing with Christmas… Why narrow it down to one day or one month, when we all would be much happier if every day was a celebration of love?

With the huge amount of people who are reading my guides about Manifesting a Specific Person, I thought it might be an idea to share some ideas for dates you can do alone. Since there are still some restrictions due to COVID, the ideas I will share are something you can do even if there will come a full lockdown again.

The Most Important Relationship in Your Life is the One You Have With Yourself.

Another person would never be able to fulfil you, especially not if you don’t have a good relationship with yourself. Remember; the Universal Law of Attraction doesn’t give you what you want… it gives you more of what you already am/have. So unless you have a really good relationship with yourself, it can be difficult to attract true love into your life. Mostly because you won’t feel you truly deserve true love when it shows up in your life.

Idea #1 – Spa Day // Home Spa.

Home Spa is my favourite thing to do on Sundays, and then spend the entire day in my bathrobe in bed reading or watching a movie, show or documentary. Lately, I have been very into documentaries about Danish History, particularly the Danish Queens.

Valentine’s Day lands on a Monday this year, so a Home Spa may not be possible due to busy schedules. But then you can do it on Sunday.

If the spas are open, you can ask a friend to join you and have a spa day together. Have fun, get a massage and get pampered.

Idea #2 – Nice Dinner with Your Friends.

No one says you have to be alone on Valentine’s Day just because you’re single. Invite some friends over, cook a nice dinner, and have a good time.

We’re all so busy and not always the best at keeping in touch with our friends. This is why hosting Valentine’s dinner with some friends could be the perfect occasion to see each other.

Idea #3 – Spoil Yourself with an Extended Weekend Getaway.

You can do this alone or together with a friend! 

This idea can be limited by possible COVID restrictions, but this year many of the borders are open again as long as you have a valid Covid passport, a recent negative test, and wearing masks. 

However, you don’t have to travel outside of your country’s borders. Every country has amazing settings and places that are perfect for a good weekend getaway. 

Some people actually do enjoy travelling on getaways and vacations on their own. I think the first time is always the difficult one – mostly because of the fears inside of our heads of being judged if we travel alone. While some people definitely judge and talk, the fear only lives inside of our heads. We can’t control what other people do! That’s just a fact! However, when people judge and talk, it always tells a lot more about them and their insecurities than about you!

So, if you want to go on a getaway and you don’t have anyone to join you, then travel alone! Who knows, maybe you’ll meet your true love on your travel 😉

Idea #4 – Dive into a Spiritual Practice.

This is one of my favourite things to do to develop a better relationship with myself.

I don’t meditate, so therefore I’m not telling others to meditate. My words and actions are always in alignment. That, on the other hand, doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t meditate. If it works for you, then go for it! I just find meditation incredibly boring, and I don’t do boring!

A Spiritual Practice for me is reading books about personal development and self-growth, and taking the information and putting it into practical steps I can implement in my life. It’s also communicating with the spiritual realm and using my psychic abilities.

If I have a really good time on my hands, I also do some psychic in-depth readings* for myself and my current situation.

You don’t have to be psychic to do readings for yourself. You can easily use tarot cards, oracle cards or angel cards; pull three cards for Past – Present – Future, and then read the description of the card in the little booklet in the box.

Sometimes the most effective spiritual practice is sleep! Say a prayer, ask to connect with the angels to gain some guidance about something, and then fall asleep. When you wake up, you’ll most likely have gained some guidance, even if you aren’t fully aware of it. But over the following days, the guidance will become more and more clear in your consciousness. Sometimes it takes a little time for your consciousness to understand the information stored in your unconscious and subconscious mind.


Valentine’s Day is coming up - but if you’re single it can be a sad reminder about the lack of romance in your life. But it doesn’t have to be like that. Try some of these things out…

Sabrina Seraphiel Bøglund

🇩🇰 Sabrina Seraphiel Bøglund er en passioneret Manifestation Life Coach og Spirituel Teacher med over 16 års erfaring i at guide mennesker til at skabe et liv fyldt med kærlighed, energi og empowerment. Med 16 uddannelser inden for personlig og spirituel udvikling og seks udgivne bøger om manifestation og mental sundhed, er Sabrina dedikeret til at hjælpe folk med at overvinde traumer, manifestere sunde relationer og mestre De Universelle Love. Hendes unikke tilgang kombinerer dyb indsigt i energifrekvenser og manifestation med en skarp forståelse af, hvordan man slipper af med toxic people og energivampyrere.


🇬🇧 Sabrina Seraphiel Bøglund is a Danish dedicated Manifestation Life Coach and Spiritual Teacher with over 16 years of experience guiding individuals towards a life filled with love, energy, and empowerment. With 16 personal and spiritual development qualifications and six published books on manifestation and mental health, Sabrina is committed to helping people overcome trauma, manifest healthy relationships, and master The Universal Laws. Her unique approach combines deep insights into energy frequencies and manifestation with a keen understanding of how to rid oneself of toxic people and energy vampires.

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