There are two kinds of vampires… those you’ll see in movies and books, and then is the real kind – Energy Vampires!
A couple of weeks ago, I published a Guide about implementing the Law of Giving & Receiving in your life. One of the tips was to get rid of Energy Vampires. But what is an Energy Vampire, and how to get rid of them? – That’s what we are going to talk about in this Guide.
#1 – What is an Energy Vampire?
Cutting into the very core and basic, an Energy Vampire is a person who is sucking all life, energy and vitality out of you. Even if you just spend 5 minutes with them, you feel completely drained of energy.
#2 – Energy Vampires are Most Likely Not Aware of How Toxic They are.
I have met quite a few Energy Vampires in my life, and none of them is really aware of how toxic they are! They most likely don’t know that something is “wrong” with them – and don’t really understand why people don’t want to spend time with them.
Some Energy Vampires have mental issues, like narcissism or obsession, which only worsen the issue.
#3 – Why You Should Stay the Eff Away From Energy Vampires.
Since Energy Vampires often don’t know how toxic they are, and when confronted, they’re inclined to get defensive, it’s really difficult to help them!
Energy Vampires often have a victim mentality and even, what I call, Self-Learned Helplessness.
#4 – Protect Yourself.
If you’re saving everyone on your way, they would never learn how to deal with the situations on their own. People who suffer from Self-Learned Helplessness have learned that if they whine and complain long enough, someone will eventually solve whatever problem they’re in.
#5 – Recover From Energy Vampires “Bite”.
You will need to pull the plug for a while!
You need to rest and recharge your batteries!
You’ll eventually burn out if you just keep going and ignoring your exhaustion.
When I spend time with Energy Vampires and my energy is completely drained, it usually takes a couple of days to be fully recharged. However, it also depends on who it is and how long time I have spent with this person.