Relationships can be some of the most challenging things in this world. I don’t think there ever has been nor will be a relationship that is 100% rainbows and sunshine all the time. There will always be something… but even the most difficult and pain-in-the-butt relationships can be a blessing in disguise if you’re willing to look at them that way.
In this guide, I’m not just talking about romantic relationships – I’m talking about all the relationships in your life; lovers, friendships, family, old classmates, co-workers, and even the relationship with your local checkout assistant.
Reason #1 – Everyone Comes Into Your Life for a Reason.
You might argue with this, but nothing happens as a coincidence, even when it seems like it. Every person you meet on your way is placed in your life at that time and place for a reason. The reason can be major or tiny. The relationship can be lifelong or just for a short second. But everyone comes into your life for a reason. Everyone has some sort of influence on your life, even strangers on social media or characters in a movie.
Reason #2 – Everyone Can Teach You Something About Yourself.
The major reason someone comes into your life is that the person (or character) is here to teach you something about yourself. It can be short-term or long-term. The longer your relationship with someone is, the more they have to teach you about yourself. That’s why some of the most challenging relationships we have are the ones we have with our family.
Reason #3 – You’re Giving Others an Opportunity for Growth.
Just like those relationships are here to teach you something about yourself, they are here to do the same for the other person. Any relationship is an opportunity for growth for anyone involved! However, that doesn’t mean that the lesson will be the same for both involved.
Reason #4 – Every Relationship Helps You Practice Forgiveness.
One of the biggest lessons in every relationship is forgiveness. I don’t think there ever existed one relationship where forgiveness wasn’t needed. You will screw up, and others will screw up. You will need to forgive others, just like you will need others to forgive you.
Reason #5 – Every Relationship Allows You to Practise Being Non-Judgmental.
Everyone hates when someone is judging them, yet still, they love to judge others. There is a reason people love reading the tabloids and watching reality tv. We are judging others to feel better about ourselves. We seek others’ validation and approval (judgement) to have them tell us how wonderful, sweet, loyal, smart, intelligent, etc., we are.
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