The Law of the Universe is one of the less known Universal Laws. The Universal Law of the Universe is ALL about you and the magic inside of you.
English The Universal Laws The Universal Laws & Manifestation

The Law of the Universe: 5 Things You Should Know about the Universal Law of the Universe.

We are back with the next Universal Law in our Monthly Series where I’m sharing a “new” Universal Law!

This is the 13th Universal Law we are diving into – which means we are 1 year in 🎉🎉

This month, we will dive into the Universal Law of the Universe. Yup, you read that right!

The Law of the Universe is a fun and empowering Law, that hopefully gives you the empowerment you need to embrace your Divine Force.

But before we dive into the Law of the Universe, let’s get an overview of the Universal Laws we already have covered:

  1. The Universal Laws 101 
  2. The Law of Attraction
  3. The Law of Giving & Receiving
  4. The Law of Light 
  5. The Law of Free Will 
  6. The Law of Liberty
  7. The Law of Repulsion 
  8. The Law of Divine Love
  9. The Law of Prayer 
  10. The Law of Compensation 
  11. The Law of Magnetism
  12. The Law of Cause and Effect

NB: If the Links don’t work, it’s because I’m in the process of editing all the Guides. The Links will work as soon as I’m done editing the Guide. I’m working from the oldest and up. ☺️

In this guide, I will share 5 things you should know about the Universal Law of the Universe, so you can start using it in your life.

#1 – What is the Universal Law of the Universe?

The Universal Law of the Universe is one of the less known Universal Laws. Nothing really comes up specifically about the Law of the Universe if you Google it. So, what does the Law of the Universe say? This is how my private records describe the Law of the Universe.

Law of the Universe States:

“You have earned the gifts that you have. You evolve by using the gifts that you have earned. If you want to experience the miraculous then you must devote your energies, time, and life toward this goal.”


#2 – The Law of the Universe and the Universal Laws IS NOT the Same Thing.

I totally understand the confusion about the Law of the Universe and the Universal Laws!

The Universal Laws (plural) is a collection of millions of Laws that makes the Universe run. Think of the Laws as cogwheels in the big machinery that’s the Universe.

The Law of the Universe is A LAW! The full name is The Universal Law of the Universe.


#3 – The Law of the Universe Makes You the Centrum of Your Life.

Keep in mind, I said the Centrum of Your LIFE – not the centrum of the universe! The Centrum of the universe is narcissistic, and an expression of a need for attention.



#4 – The Law of the Universe is Helping Karma.

You are probably familiar with “What you seed you will harvest” or “You have made your bed, now you must lie in it!”  The Law of the Universe also plays within that field, since it focuses on bringing you what you’ve earned.


#5 – The Law of the Universe Helps You to Grow into Becoming a Better Person.

The Universal Law of the Universe is a Universal Law about You and helping you to fulfil your Personal Life Purposes. Your life on Earth all comes down to your Personal Development and Growth. It’s about balancing your Ego with your Higher Self, so both are equally represented in your personality.




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The Law of the Universe is one of the less known Universal Laws. The Universal Law of the Universe is ALL about you and the magic inside of you.

Sabrina Seraphiel Bøglund

🇩🇰 Sabrina Seraphiel Bøglund er en passioneret Manifestation Life Coach og Spirituel Teacher med over 16 års erfaring i at guide mennesker til at skabe et liv fyldt med kærlighed, energi og empowerment. Med 16 uddannelser inden for personlig og spirituel udvikling og seks udgivne bøger om manifestation og mental sundhed, er Sabrina dedikeret til at hjælpe folk med at overvinde traumer, manifestere sunde relationer og mestre De Universelle Love. Hendes unikke tilgang kombinerer dyb indsigt i energifrekvenser og manifestation med en skarp forståelse af, hvordan man slipper af med toxic people og energivampyrere.


🇬🇧 Sabrina Seraphiel Bøglund is a Danish dedicated Manifestation Life Coach and Spiritual Teacher with over 16 years of experience guiding individuals towards a life filled with love, energy, and empowerment. With 16 personal and spiritual development qualifications and six published books on manifestation and mental health, Sabrina is committed to helping people overcome trauma, manifest healthy relationships, and master The Universal Laws. Her unique approach combines deep insights into energy frequencies and manifestation with a keen understanding of how to rid oneself of toxic people and energy vampires.

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