It’s actually super easy to use the Law of Giving and Receiving to benefit your manifestation and life… Let me show you how
English The Universal Laws The Universal Laws & Manifestation

5 Easy Ways to Implement the Law of Giving and Receiving in Your life This Weekend.

Over the last couple of weeks, we have talked about the Universal Law of Giving and Receiving.  This Law is all about keeping a balance between the energy you are sending out and the energy you’re receiving from others. Without an equal balance, the scale will tip, and the consequences will follow. 

You could say that the Law of Giving & Receiving is a lesson in keeping a healthy balance between being selfish and selfless. No one wants to be around a selfish jerk who only does things for their own gain… and selfless giving, giving, and giving without asking for anything in return will cause massive depression, stress, burnout, abandonment, and heartbreak.

In this guide, I will give you 5 Easy Ways to Implement the Law of Giving & Receiving in Your Life. Those ways are so easy that you can do it within a weekend.

Way #1 – Money

Money is, without a doubt, one of the easiest and most effective ways to keep the scale in balance.

Money is nothing else than an exchange energy materialised into physical form to make it easier to balance out the value between the giver and receiver.


Way #2 – Look for Opportunities to Help Others.

As a Lightworker, this one should come easy to you. Our desire to help others is so strong that one almost can it is a sort of life source for us. 

There will always be new opportunities to help, and there will always be someone who needs our help. But, we must always wait for someone to come to us and ask for our help.


Way #3 – Don’t Be Afraid of Asking for Help. 

Just as others need our help, we also need others to help us from time to time. Some people, not only Lightworkers, feel it’s a sign of weakness to ask for help. That’s a huge misunderstanding. It’s quite the opposite, actually! It’s a sign of strength to know when you need help from others or when something is a bit more than you can handle. Asking for help is also a sign of bravery.


Note about Excel Sheet Relationships.

That said, I want to point out that you SHOULD NEVER treat your relationships and other people as an Excel Sheet. 

I know people in my personal life who likes to keep tabs on what they do for others and what others “owe” them in return. They literally treat their relationships and help as if it was a financial debt report, which is why I call it Excel Sheet Relationships. These people won’t accept a no or get really upset when you try to tell them that you don’t have time or opportunity to help them right now.


Way #4 – Set Boundaries.

We all know the importance of setting healthy boundaries… and I think most of us also know what healthy boundaries are. The challenge is to put it into practice and stay with them when you’re standing in front of another person.


Your Well-Being Should Always Have the First Priority.

My suggestion is, to be honest with yourself about your own time and energy. NEVER sacrifice your own well-being for anything! Please, promise me that!


Be Realistic.

Are you the right person to help them? 

Sometimes people will come to you with something that really requires someone professionally trained. Even as Spiritual Teachers & Healers, we need to take a step back if we can see the person needs medical assistance.


Is it a Friend or a Client?

This boundary is one of the more difficult ones. When does a person go from being a friend to becoming a client? It’s not when payment is involved since you can always treat clients for free.

The questions I’m asking myself in these situations are:


Way #5 – Remove Energy Vampires from Your Life.

Energy Vampires got their name from their ability to suck all life and energy out of you like the vampires you know from the TV. Energy Vampires are humans who are taking victimhood and self-pity to such an extreme that they become a burden to be around. They are so stuck in their Fear-Based Mind that they only can see fear, pain and anxiety everywhere around them. You could say they are living in some sort of a living hell, and they’re trying to drag you down with them.



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This was the Third article of 4 in a mini-series about the Law of Giving and Receiving.

2 weeks ago, I released an article called What You Should Know About The Law of Giving & Receiving – aka the Law of Balancing Energies. 

And last week, Why the Universal Law of Giving & Receiving is WAY more important than the Law of Attraction.

Next week, I will release the last article in our mini-series called Winning Tactics For the Universal Law of Giving & Receiving.


It’s actually super easy to use the Law of Giving and Receiving to benefit your manifestation and life… Let me show you how

Sabrina Seraphiel Bøglund

🇩🇰 Sabrina Seraphiel Bøglund er en passioneret Manifestation Life Coach og Spirituel Teacher med over 16 års erfaring i at guide mennesker til at skabe et liv fyldt med kærlighed, energi og empowerment. Med 16 uddannelser inden for personlig og spirituel udvikling og seks udgivne bøger om manifestation og mental sundhed, er Sabrina dedikeret til at hjælpe folk med at overvinde traumer, manifestere sunde relationer og mestre De Universelle Love. Hendes unikke tilgang kombinerer dyb indsigt i energifrekvenser og manifestation med en skarp forståelse af, hvordan man slipper af med toxic people og energivampyrere.


🇬🇧 Sabrina Seraphiel Bøglund is a Danish dedicated Manifestation Life Coach and Spiritual Teacher with over 16 years of experience guiding individuals towards a life filled with love, energy, and empowerment. With 16 personal and spiritual development qualifications and six published books on manifestation and mental health, Sabrina is committed to helping people overcome trauma, manifest healthy relationships, and master The Universal Laws. Her unique approach combines deep insights into energy frequencies and manifestation with a keen understanding of how to rid oneself of toxic people and energy vampires.

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