The Law of Attraction is not the same thing as manifestation. Manifestation is the result of the Law of Attraction, whether you’re aware that you’re using it or not.

Bøglund – Manifestation – Sabrina Seraphiel Bøglund
Manifestation Expert, Spiritual Teacher & Writer
The Law of Attraction is not the same thing as manifestation. Manifestation is the result of the Law of Attraction, whether you’re aware that you’re using it or not.
Pludselig brugere du rigtig meget tid på, at google “Lysarbejder” og “Lightworker”, og læser alt der kommer op.
Suddenly you spend a great deal of time googling ‘Lightworker’, reading everything that comes up.
Jeg har undervist i Manifestation og Loven om Tiltrækning for over et årti. Jeg har lavet online kurser og skrevet bøger om emnet.
I’ve been teaching Manifestation and the Law of Attraction for over a decade. I have created online courses and wrote books about the topic.
Loven om Tiltrækning reagere simpelthen på den energi, som du udsender til Universet, og sender det tilbage til dig.
The Law of Attraction simply responds to the energy you’re sending out in the Universe and reflects it back to you.
Nogle af de mest almindelige træk blandt Lysarbejdere er vores sensitivitet, empati og til tider at være en smule intense, afhængigt af hvem vi er.
Some of Lightworkers’ most common traits are our Sensitivity, Empathy, and sometimes being a bit intense, depending on who we are.